Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Head High 'Till I Die

I did research on a "rebel" in history that has shaped the way our society is today, the "rebel" I chose is Chief Joseph an Indian chief who lead his people against the U.S. Army to fight against oppression where his people were unfairly being rounded into reservations where they were expected to live off barely any supplies and even poorer conditions glog


  1. i thought it was great all the info wasn't all bunched up and i could tell wat he was talking about

  2. i thought that in your glog you could have made the dates and the facts less confusing and you had no quotes and no video but other than that it was well constructed. AK

  3. It was cool how you made it. It was just a little confusing, but you did a good job.

  4. not bad job but was kinda hard to read font and size could be a healp but all in all not bad

  5. I thought that it was a good glog/blog except for the fact that it was kinda hard to follow because it didn't seem very organized.

  6. This was very hard to read, But other than that i thought that it was a good blog/glog. Very good information.
